This is the place to visit. It was made for you.

Have you ever yearned for more health for yourself, your family, friends, your neighbourhood, the environment, the world? If you have, you're far from being alone. The project, "Sowing Dreams: The Materialization of Thought" is a project intended to bring you symbols and their associated messages that have the potential to increase your awareness and stimulate your imagination - all for creating more hope, joy, life-sustaining solutions, and empowerment to help create life-affirming decisions and changes for you those you care about. Together, with positive thought, we can manifest a kinder, healthier world. Please browse and enjoy. To order, please contact me at (Paypal available)

Monday, October 26, 2009


The public, outdoor art happening, Sowing Dreams: Thought as Matter, occurred in September. It was received with amazing enthusiasm. We made a video, I've edited it, and I'm learning to upload it to share it with you. I also plan to upload the recent "sowing visions project" pictures of the imges. (some people who participated at the art happening believed the word "dreams" was not the best. I'm substituting it with "visions" ) Basically, it all leads back to our abilities to imagine solutions, health, and kindness.

I've also begun to distribute the hand-painted tote bags, wall-hangings, "seed" boxes, and jewelry I made to share the positive thoughts, and promote positive change through collective thought. Pictures of these new gifts will be up ASAP.

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